
Hi All!

 I am very excited to share my life through this little blog. I am an Interior designer, renovator, garden hobbyist &  Shop owner with a serious addiction to vintage decor! When you visit you can expect, of course, lots of vintage inspiration, lots of our bungalow reno's, Including some on the outside, & of course a little life in-between!



Today I am sharing a little secret that I have been keeping for a few months now regarding some choices in our kitchen! But first, I need to fill you in on who and how this all happened. I know on my instagram page I have talked a little here n there about how the app has opened up a whole new community to me. The people I have met on here, from all over the world, have truly become my friends. The way they inspire and support me is beautiful, I am forever grateful for them.

There is one person in particular though that I want to share with you guys; Becca @june.and.blue. She is not only a sweetheart, but a fierce, strong, risk taking entrepreneur with an incredible Moroccan Rug company of her own. She travels to Morocco multiple times a year to handpick only the best rugs and decor pieces. Taking extra time to get to know the artisans & sending not only a rug home, but a story. She inspires me everyday! So don’t be shy to ask her any questions about any of the pieces she has available in her beautiful shop.


I was casually chatting with Becca before her most recent trip to Morocco about a backsplash I was thinking about putting in my kitchen. I was looking for something that felt a little more handmade and organic, and also affordable. After some fun conversation with Becca (when she was able to get a word in between my babbling :p ), she said with extreme excitement ( I’m pretty sure she was jumping for joy in her Amsterdam home), “Kirsten, I am in Morocco all the time, I know a guy there that makes these exact tiles! Beautiful handmade Zellige tiles! I can get you these straight from the artists!”

Of course, my mouth dropped and I jumped on this idea. I mean how cool would that be, if this all worked out, getting handmade kitchen backsplash tiles in my home, straight from artisans in Morocco. Becca was just as excited about this as I was and soon began sending me inspiration photos like these;

Tile from @Cletile, Kitchen Design @prairie_home_styling

Tile from @Cletile, Kitchen @thisoldhouse

Becca was traveling to Morocco very soon after our conversation and with her being such a beautiful person , she contacted me as soon as she arrived at their shop, and began by sending me photos of the tile right away. I was hooked.. she was hooked .. and then Steve had no choice but to be hooked! jk haha, he loved them right away. :)

Kirsten Diane Kitchen.jpeg
Kirsten Diane Kitchen.jpeg

So Tiles! I was leaning towards one that wasn’t too white and wasn’t too grey, as I have a white countertop, and my cabinets are very dark. I needed something to pull the two together organically. I consulted with Steve & Becca multiple times before finally deciding on one! For about a month, Becca has been on the phone with her Moroccan tile guy, working out quantities, shipping, freight, airport locations; allllll of the above. She has literally been on the edge of her seat waiting for these tiles to arrive in Toronto to know they are safe, and also to see them in the kitchen! Well, they are here, and I have recruited my mom to come help me pick these up from the airport cargo area. I cannot wait to share them with you guys! What a journey it has truly been and as a person with a love of handmades and an even greater love for the story behind handmades, I already love these tiles! I am not sure I can thank Becca enough for the time and effort she has put into getting me these tiles, So I wanted to write this and give a little shout out to a beautiful friend.



P.S Don’t forget to go say hi to Becca & check out all of her Morrocan goods! Oh and tell her I said hello :)

Website | June + Blue Instagram | @june.and.blue